Sunday, December 7, 2008

Character commentary...

Two jobs prevent a guy from doing the things he loves. In my case, writing is one particular hobby that has fallen by the way side. I try to write on my breaks, but it just isn't the same. So the weekends are starting to turn into writing days, especially with Tara being away. Ah well...

If you couldn't tell by my interests, or you just don't/haven't read this blog much, I enjoy the series 'Heroes' very, very much. I haven't been this excited about a periodical in quite some time (potentially since I had an X-Men subscription back in the mid-90's). I have to say the acting has definitely been kicked up a notch and the story is quite captivating. Remember, this is coming from a guy who's been reading several generations of comics for at least 3/4 of his life, too. I find myself eager each week for a new installment. I do, however, have one complaint about this currant season, and that is the treatment of the character, Sylar...

For those of you who have not been following the show, Sylar (or Gabriel Grey, if you like), is the longest running villain on the show, who has stayed the most villainesque than any other character. Others have strayed into the gray areas of hero and villain, like Noah (I WILL NOT REFER TO HIM AS HRG) or the staff of Primatech, whereas others, such as Nathan Petrelli, just haven't been around as long. Anyways, his primary concern in life is to appease his vampiric hunger for more power by any means necessary. To do so (for the most part), Sylar opens another powered individuals head and and absorbs whatever in there makes them special. Possibly something involving the adrenal gland, they haven't been 100% clear yet (which is good)...

On to my complaint. In this particular season, Sylar has been tossed around by the two rival companies, Primatech and Pinehearst, and by consequence, between Arthur and Angela Petrelli. So far, he's been doped into a coma at least twice, convinced that he is a Petrelli, teamed with and then betrayed by and against Noah Bennett, reuninted and teamed with Elle then later killed her, and basically went from crazy bad guy to crazy sort of good guy to crazy chaotic guy and then back to crazy bad guy. Here it is: All that has gone on is way too much. Nothing involving him this season is being fleshed out enough (other than his back story [a little]), and thus, makes everything involving Sylar seem very half-assed and thrown together. I think his acting deals well with this kind of story, but it is not what I would have wanted to see...

Here comes the critic in me: Were I to have been a writer for this series (I wish), I would have made his transition into a Primatech agent been his main focus for this season, with the possibility of him going to Pinehearst near the end of it. This would allow him to develop more as a character and make his defection much more meaningful and traitorous. Further, he should not be a Petrelli and I am glad they have made it possible that this is likely (due to last weeks episode, based on what Noah, knows). His involvement with Elle was good, but much too quick from empathy to psychosis and back and forth. Just too quick. This kind of thing doesn't happen in comic books this quickly. These kinds of transitions take time to sink in, build meaning, and be worth breaking down and changing...

So there's my two cents. Make no mistake, I enjoy 'Heroes' very much, as well as Sylar as a character. I think his type is good for the struggle against the good and the evil. I blame most complaints on the writer's strike and having to shift all kinds of gears in its wake. But, I am still looking forward to the rest of this season as well as (hopefully) many as they throw our way. Viva la 'Heroes'!...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

You've got to be kidding me...

Holy. Shit...

Our buddy Rick has, simultaneously, sold out the Rick Roll AND made it so freaking awesome. So, in his own way, he's pop music's Busta Rhymes. In any event, the amount of emotions flowing through me when I heard about, then saw, this awesome moment of the USA being Rick Rolled (which had to be like several million people), I can not describe it fully. Damn...

Monday, November 24, 2008

So cool a list...

Here's a tid bit of me for a quickie post:

Ten People I'd Like To Meet Before They/I Die (in no particular order)
1. Stan Lee...
2. Bruce Campbell...
3. Richard Garfield OR Mark Rosewater...
4. Frank Miller...
5. Phil Collins...
6. Dave Grohl...
7. Hugh Jackman...
8. Phil and Kaja Foglio...
9. Frank Welker...
10. Jim Cummings...

And, in a similar vein:

Ten Musical Acts I'd Like To See Before They Stop Playing
1. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band...
2. Foo Fighters...
3. The Eagles...
4. Phil Collins and/or Genesis...
5. Red Hot Chili Peppers...
6. Gipsy Kings...
7. Aerosmith...
8. America...
9. Dave Matthews Band...
10. Daft Punk...

'Nuff said...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


November, November, November. I just love the sound of it. Right between spooky October and festive December. MY month. MY November...

So it's been a while, which means I'll recap the major points since I'm on a schedule. We had Halloween that led into my birthday on the 2nd. Tara and me had already celebrated my birthday the weekend before and we did have a good time (despite what Tara wants to believe or remember). Took the day off of work and kept busy. Played some D&D with Tyson and Tara that day, so it was a low key birthday. Unlike last year, which (for me) was a super birthday. All (most) my friends came over and we hung out. I get razzed by some of my friends, cause they think that that's not a 'real party'. But I say I love it. I don't need booze and loud music to have good times. And hopefully anyone who came over then can agree...

We got ourselves a new President! Surprise, surprise. I didn't doubt that Barack would win it once he made it pass his primaries. His whole...everything was just too historic and epic to fail. But, to be totally honest, McCain did the best anyone could have done against such an opponent, and for that I give him respect. I hope he stays active politically because we need such a personality in his age group active...

Got a second job now. Will someone please tell me why and when I thought that working for the Salvation Army, which is a 40 minute walk from home and pays less than working at Tops, was a good idea. I have a feeling this won't last much past the turn of the next year. On the plus side, though, I get to see everything that comes in and then pick up some real gems for myself. I've got a copy of The Dark Tower game (a 'generic' fantasy board game {PRIMO}, not related to the Stephen King books) coming to me after work today and I cannot wait to bust it out will some of my geek friends...

Been keeping up on Heroes, too. A previous post corroborates such an addiction, but somethings do need to be said. I just caught last night’s episode today, and here are my thoughts:

-I predicted this with Peter, but even though we have our 'favorite' characters losing their powers, whatever serum they are working on will give both Hiro and Peter their abilities back (Hint: this is how Peter will get his telltale scar)...
-I like how they've developed the older characters back stories. Definitely fleshes them out and makes them more three dimensional...
-Didn't see Meredith and Flynt being siblings, but I see what they are doing. Not sure I like how much interconnectivity they are giving the characters. Too much like a soap opera...
-Using Elle instead of replacing her with Daphne has been a joy. As probably stated before, I didn't like that it seemed Elle was written out of the show at the beginning of season three, but it looks like I was wrong about that. Elle vs Daphne, perhaps?...
-Eric Roberts' character wouldn't have let Meredith go. Everything that they set up him to be made that scene feel awkward. Same with Noah spying on and allowing Sylar to kill felt very off to me, partially because how quickly he turned against the company...

I think that will do for this catch up post. I'll stay on top of it more now, but working (potentially) 10 to 14 hour days, it doesn't leave much time to dilly dally...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Seriously guys...I'm getting to it...Not beating around the bush this month...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Keep your pants on...

Wow. November has been nuts. Stay tuned for more goodies...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Help me out...

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel. I know there is an emotion I should be feeling, but I can't pinpoint it. Maybe you've run across this situation in your life. Maybe not...

I've recently become devoted to, not one but, two different television series, both of which could be considered 'guilty pleasures'. The first is an obvious one for a guy like me; that show being Heroes. The other is obvious to a specific group of nerds like me; that show happens to Burn Notice...

Heroes is a widely popular show that is viewed and enjoyed by millions across the globe. Since its debut after the Superhero Movie Boom over the last 5 - 10 years, it has tapped into the latent interest of the superhero as well as the etheral concept which allowed the X-men (comic) to become as popular as it has been for nearly 50 years. This concept of the outsiders being special and having a community of their own resonates strongly with the 'downtrodden' and those feeling 'different', for whatever reason. Heroes has taken concepts, already very familiar to comic books, and added their own touch to the fantasy. To butcher an oft quoted statement, 'With great writing, comes great success.' The writing of the series, for the most part, has been believable and acceptable, at least in the realm they want to abide in. The first season was incredibly strong, as most could attest, and the second will always get dumped on due to it's quick ending and lack luster attempts at plot. This, however, could be attributed to the Writer's Strike that ended this year, bring to a close many television series prematurely. The third season of Heroes is upon us, and frankly, I'm excited thus far. While I have not approved of some of the decisions they've made thus far (Sylar is in the Petrelli family, killing off the black hole guy, killing off Adam Monroe, basically replacing Elle with Daphne, a few others), they have made an exciting season up until now, and they've kept me eager for more episodes. I call that the true sign of a good television series...

The other show, as stated above, is Burn Notice. It's sort of a spy type drama, if it needs classifying. The lead plays a burned (read: recently blacklisted) spy type who's trying to figure out why he was burned and, in the process, finds out he has a heart of gold by helping out the 'little people' in Miami. His 'sidekicks' are a slightly crazy and kinky ex-girlfriend who still has feelings for him (and vice versa) and a grizzled, slightly hokey semil-retired spy played by the main man, Bruce Campbell. Yep, I just revealed why I started watching the show. I love Bruce Campbell. Sue me. Thankfully though, the writing in Burn Notice is worth watching. It's clever, fast paced and the acting is a joy to watch, if a bit predictable. But I am finding predictable is ok, whereas I haven't always felt that way. Plus, whomever is on the writing team, they know what and how to write for Mr. Campbell. While not the main character, he is probably the best character, or at least gets the best lines. You might be thinking I'd want 'Ash' to be the lead in the show. No. He does better in small, pivotal/fun rolls in these situations, especially in the format of television. It's just who he is. The role seems tailor made for our man Bruce, and God love him, he gives us a treat each episode. Guarenteed...

Friday, October 10, 2008

There is help...

This is a short public service announcement for all of you afflicted with what has affected so many people across the world. Many don't understand it, most laugh it off and forget about it. But, my friends, there is help and I am going to give it to you freely. I will no longer sit idly by while you suffer, even if you are suffering in silence. I care, and it's because I care that I give you...

The Cure For the Rick Roll

Ok. Yes, it's silly but I occasionally enjoy hearing a song in reverse. So, the first time I happened across this, it struck me that I had just been UN Rick Rolled. That means I'm passing on the blessing to you all. It is upon you now to spread the word and save our fellow YouTubers (that's like a potato, right?) from their accidental fates. You can thank me later...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

We've all done it...

I love movies. I'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't like seeing a movie. Going to the movies or even taking in one in the comfort of one's home; that's the makings of a good night. And, since I went out and saw 'Appaloosa' yesterday with Tara, I am making a movie styled posting...

For anyone who wants to know (who didn't already know), I'm a gamer. I do love my games, be they board or digital, tabletop or word-based. I'm am such a game lover that some of those I know can get a bit agitated on how much I want to play ANYTHING, they have to squash that side of me (and you know who you are, darlings)...

You might ask, 'How in the world is this tied together? Appaloosa's a Western, so how did gaming get involved in this post?' Simple, fair readers few. The gaming is tied into what this update is really all about. Being a gamer, I have heard others, like me, quote often their favorite genre of movie at (im)proper times during gameplay. It happens. I've done it, you've done it, and at least half the people you will meet in your life will too...

The post is about one thing; one list, really. I am exposing my 'Top Movie Lines Used In Everyday Speech' list. However, I am excluding lines quoted in a gaming setting (i.e. Holy Grail, Animal House, Spinal Tap, Princess Bride, etc.). That would make the list too easy to make and too easily predicted by the many I know and the few who read. No, this list will be comprised with those lines I have found to be useful in a normal (gaming isn't normal?) conversation, interjected to prove a point/make hillarity/sound ingenious. If done subtly right, those around you will not realize what you've done, who you've quoted, or where the line(s) came from. It's about being pointlessly deviant, you rouges, so pay attention...

My Top Movie Lines Used In Everyday Speech

1. "I don't know about you, but I'm having a ball..." - Marv, Sin City
2. "Have you ever seen anything so pretty in your whole life?" - Irish Terrorist, Sin City

Sin City has slowly been creeping up on my list of All-Time Favorite Movies (for a variety of reasons, for another post), so it is easy to understand why I've taken, not one, but two quotes from said movie. Marv's line can be injected anytime there is fun to be had, but it must be said with a gruff voice to get out the sadistic style pleasure that the line represents. The latter line has to be said with an Irish accent, else what's the point? No meaning otherwise...

3. "Groovy." - Ash, Bruce Campbell vs Army of Darkness

Yes, I love this movie to no end. Yes, I am a huge Bruce Campbell fan. Yes, I do think he makes most movies he's in better BECAUSE he was cast in it. Yes, I am a walking, talking stereotype. Move along...

4. "I mean, I'm drowning here! And you're describing the water!" - Melvin Udall, As Good As It Gets

This one may not count, but I do remember when I used this one distinctly. I was having a rough time years back and was hashing things out with Brian. He made a comment I didn't find overly helpful, so I fired back with the line in question. Brian was so pleasently surprised about my ability to come up with such an apt line, but I didn't have the heart to lie to him, so I explained where it came from. He still applauded my ability to pull it out properly, if not the originallity of said line. It is my only regret that more of Melvin's lines are not usable in everyday life, as they are mostly bigotted in some way or another, classic and hillarious though they might be...

5. "It's Green." - Scotty, By Any Other Name
6. "We did it, you and me..." - Scotty, By Any Other Name

Okay, so it doesn't quite fit. I know, I know; it's a TV show, not a movie. BUT, I am adding it to the list because I love the lines and I've been using them for god knows how long. It's almost instinctual at this point to use a (bad) Scottish accent with this, but what're you gonna do? I've been saying it a certain way, and by gum, I'm not going to stop now. The whole bits up on YouTube at this point; just look for Scotty's drinking buddy. The hillarity might be lost on those who haven't already seen the full episode yet, though. You've been warned...

7. "mmmMMMmmm" - Lord Chamberlain, The Dark Crystal

If you will grant this as a 'proper' quote, then I have been know to use it from time to time. If you don't know it, the Chamberlain uses it idley throughout the entirety of the film, making it his trademark I suppose. Used for intrigue, mostly, it can turn highly annoying with too much repetition...

All I want to do is 7 tonight, because I grew weary after that and I have other writings I must do, or at least begin, before I retire for the night. There are more, but I feel brain-taxed oddly. Stay tuned at some future date for a secondary list of Everyday Use for Movie Lines...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

And Now For Something Completely Different...

I realized that the first two posts on this blog were music related, so in honor of that achievement, here's one non-music related...

The Tick cartoon holds a very near and dear place in my heart. Ever since I was a kid and The Tick would air right after a 'real' comic cartoon (X-Men, maybe the best comic animated series), thus giving me a nice comedic counterpoint against the 'seriousness' of the X-Men (that's for another day)...

However, this post is devoted to the character himself and the philosophies the Tick has given us. So, without further ado, I give you...

Life Lessons
(Courtesy of The Tick)

  1. You don't have to be smart to do good...
  2. Confidence can win you the day. But, if that fails, attempt befuddlement...
  3. "Leap before you look."
  4. Passionately fulfill your destiny...
  5. Catchphrases and cliches are essentials, regardless of their relevance or comprehensibility...
  6. Make an entrance, even if that results in property damage...
  7. Any obstacle can be overcome with the proper application of force, drama, insanity, and force...
These aren't in any order, but this is what I've gleaned from years of watching that big blue lummox. Besides, there are way more lessons to be learned, but right now is all that I can think of. More might be later, but for now, READ A BOOK!!! Er, wait, that's what the villain Handy says. Go watch The Tick. Seriously...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh, Rick...

Anyone who knows me (and you know who you are) knows that once a song catches my fancy, I tend to play that song obsessively. Unfortunately, this tends to grate on the nerves of those in earshot (Tara has been a good sport). I could list you a whole mess of songs that I've done this to, but I'm not going to do that in the interest of getting to the point. Though if you ask me, or if I'm supremely bored, I may put something like that up...

So, this second post is dedicated to my new favorite song by a talented Rick. Not Rick Astley, the father of Rickrolling...Not Rick Carpenter, male half of the 60's band 'The Carpenters'...Nor is it Rick Wright, the pianist for Pink Floyd. No, it's the hard working Rick Springfield, who is known to the general public for one or two things. The first is his big hit in '81, 'Jessie's Girl'. He is also known (and this is something I found out recently) for playing Dr. Noah Drake on the daytime soap 'General Hospital'...

The new single is called 'What's Victoria's Secret' and it's very catchy, or at least catchy enough to grab my little obsessive quirk. Part of this catchiness can be attributed to its similarities to its predecessor, 'Jessie's Girl'. The guitar part has the same, 'Jun-a jun-a jun' progression as JG, and the vocals bear similar vocal progressions. I've also seen it compared, both favorably and unfavorably, to his old hit. I'm in the camp of favoring it. I'll even call it a tribute to JG and I admire him for taking his styles and reworking it to give it to us again. Further, and this was pointed out by my good friend Jesse, that the vocals also bear some similarities to Eddie Money's 'Take Me Home Tonight'. You decide that one, but my final verdict on the single is 'Really Good' and I'm looking forward to hearing more of the album, 'Venus on High'...

There is one thing left to say on this, though, and it's about the man himself. I happend across the song on internet radio and then Youtubed it, seeing 'ol Rick perform it and saying to myself, 'Man, he's aged really well. He's gotta be like in his 40's.' Wrong. Rick Springfield is a year shy of 60. Everyone I've 'unveiled' this to has had the same reaction as me: Woah. Literally, the man could pass for mid to upper 30's, and does from what I've seen. The fact that he is nearing 60, looks great, and still writes good music, as he has been doing his whole life, shows what doing what you love can do for you. If Rick Springfield reads this, and he won't, this is my thanks to him for the music and here's to more music from the man. Keep it up, Rick...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Since we last spoke...

Hey everybody...or at least everybody who's stumbled across this random blog. At the behest of a good friend of mine (I'm looking at you, TJ), I have started this blog for the purpose of writing what ever floats into my spectrum. So, that's what Ima gonna doa...

Starting off, last weekend I went to a free concert of Rjd2 (as a side note, I meant to set this thing up earlier in the week, but with job hunting and being lazy and everything, I'm only getting around to 'reviewing' it now). It was way, way groovy...

Now, I've only been a fan of Rjd2 for a small handful of years (also thanks to Tj) but ever since I heard a remix of Ghostwriter, I was hooked. Shortly after, I found a copy of Tippin' Dominoes by Vast Aire he remixed and loved it. But it was when I finally got my hands of a copy of 'Since We Last Spoke...' did I finally realize that this guy doesn't just mix good songs; this man can compose a seriously solid album...

When I saw the posters around the Commons up here in Ithaca, NY, I honestly couldn't believe someone of his notoriety was playing a free concert. But, not being one who looks a gift horse in the mouth, I vowed to go. My concert going has been severely limited, mainly due to cost, and since FREE is my favorite four letter word, there was NO WAY I was going to miss seeing him live. So I did and what a show I was in for...

The opening act (The Scott Harris Project for those who care), who I assume were local, was ok. The audience were all sitting around, relaxing and chillin', so I thought, 'Ok, so I guess this is how we're doing Rjd2. Just sitting around, experiencing the music.' Remember now, I have never been to one of these before, and boy was I wrong. After the TSHP got off the stage and Rjd2 was getting set up, the audience (which by now had swelled to between 500 and 1000 people) began rushing to front of the stage to get as close as possible. Yours truly did too, but I stayed back a smidge to try and get some pictures. Wrong idea...

Finally, Rj started the show and the crowd went nuts. Since I don't the body of the mans work, some of the reactions of the crowd I didn't quite follow. However, with his four turntables, wanky box (his words, not mine), and his projection 'screen', this skinny techno/electronica/hip-hop artist gave us his all. He played a good mix of old and new tracks, mixing and spinning the whole time, giving us heavy beats and throwing in new eccentricities to songs we knew and love. I got to see the entirety of the show and it was well worth the walk across Cornells HUGE campus...

The best parts...
1) free, Free, FREE!!!
2) Throughout the whole show, he was projecting mood scenes and old movie clips to semi-sync with the music. Favorites: Evil Dead 2(!), Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Tron...
3) I got like 20 feet, if not closer, to the man himself. The bass cut through me and I felt super groovy.
4) This may be the very best part: He was having the time of his life on stage. Every time the crowd cheered, he got this big, dumb grin on. I envy that.

I'm not sure what else to say about it, really. I think I'd actually pay to see him, but not like ALOT. I really don't want to pay ALOT to see anyone cause, you know, I'm poor. Well, till next time, you readers few...

(Incidentally, the picture was found on, in case they want to get uppity with a blogger grabbing a picture from their site.)