Tuesday, November 11, 2008


November, November, November. I just love the sound of it. Right between spooky October and festive December. MY month. MY November...

So it's been a while, which means I'll recap the major points since I'm on a schedule. We had Halloween that led into my birthday on the 2nd. Tara and me had already celebrated my birthday the weekend before and we did have a good time (despite what Tara wants to believe or remember). Took the day off of work and kept busy. Played some D&D with Tyson and Tara that day, so it was a low key birthday. Unlike last year, which (for me) was a super birthday. All (most) my friends came over and we hung out. I get razzed by some of my friends, cause they think that that's not a 'real party'. But I say I love it. I don't need booze and loud music to have good times. And hopefully anyone who came over then can agree...

We got ourselves a new President! Surprise, surprise. I didn't doubt that Barack would win it once he made it pass his primaries. His whole...everything was just too historic and epic to fail. But, to be totally honest, McCain did the best anyone could have done against such an opponent, and for that I give him respect. I hope he stays active politically because we need such a personality in his age group active...

Got a second job now. Will someone please tell me why and when I thought that working for the Salvation Army, which is a 40 minute walk from home and pays less than working at Tops, was a good idea. I have a feeling this won't last much past the turn of the next year. On the plus side, though, I get to see everything that comes in and then pick up some real gems for myself. I've got a copy of The Dark Tower game (a 'generic' fantasy board game {PRIMO}, not related to the Stephen King books) coming to me after work today and I cannot wait to bust it out will some of my geek friends...

Been keeping up on Heroes, too. A previous post corroborates such an addiction, but somethings do need to be said. I just caught last night’s episode today, and here are my thoughts:

-I predicted this with Peter, but even though we have our 'favorite' characters losing their powers, whatever serum they are working on will give both Hiro and Peter their abilities back (Hint: this is how Peter will get his telltale scar)...
-I like how they've developed the older characters back stories. Definitely fleshes them out and makes them more three dimensional...
-Didn't see Meredith and Flynt being siblings, but I see what they are doing. Not sure I like how much interconnectivity they are giving the characters. Too much like a soap opera...
-Using Elle instead of replacing her with Daphne has been a joy. As probably stated before, I didn't like that it seemed Elle was written out of the show at the beginning of season three, but it looks like I was wrong about that. Elle vs Daphne, perhaps?...
-Eric Roberts' character wouldn't have let Meredith go. Everything that they set up him to be made that scene feel awkward. Same with Noah spying on and allowing Sylar to kill felt very off to me, partially because how quickly he turned against the company...

I think that will do for this catch up post. I'll stay on top of it more now, but working (potentially) 10 to 14 hour days, it doesn't leave much time to dilly dally...


Brian said...

You almost spoiled that episode for me! I got to the line about Usutu and had to stop reading! You should warn people next time...

I just watched the episode. Might comment about it soon.

Prototaph said...

Damn, dude. I figured you'd be WAY ahead of me. Sorry if I spoiled anything, but it's the day after and all...

Brian said...

I usually watch it the day after on hulu.com , since we don't have broadcast TV.

I only saw your first line before I stopped reading. Not too much harm done :-)

Prototaph said...
