When I said tomorrow two days ago, I meant the tomorrow AFTER tomorrow, which is today. Cause everyone knows that two tomorrows are better than just one. Also, I had a puppy to watch, a party to attend, and a illness to which I am still fighting (let's give it up for all the H1N1s in the house [god, I hope not]...), so it wasn't a conductive day for blogging. Also, this will likely be my last post in the month of November, due to the writing challenge I gave myself (look it up...). That all being said, here's why Halloween is the most disappointing holiday...
Here's the facts about Halloween DAY: It comes at the end of the month so all of October is gearing up for this one magical spooky day. However, once November 1 rolls around, that's it. No more Halloween for anybody. Tara and I even got heckled in Ithaca on our way to a party in the first part of November (Granted, we ARE talking about Ithaca...). If you look at any store, they shift almost immediately in Thanksgiving/Christmas mode, and it makes me sad...
I do love Halloween. I love the spirit of it, all of the atmosphere, everything. It's also no secret I love Halloween more than other 'major' holidays. Most other holidays don't have such build up for one day of festivities. Check it: Valentine's Day and St. Patty's Day fall in the middle of the month so less build up for (basically) inconsequential and misinterpreted events. Celebrating Christmas is drawn out over all of December and part of January, lumped in with New Years. Winter decorations stick around until companies decide to throw up Valentines Day decor. Easter is tricky to classify since it always jumps all over the calendar, but in the same vein as Halloween, it's all over after the ONE day. Then there's the 'US' holidays which are just reasons for most of the populace to pretend they are more patriotic than they typically are on a daily basis...
Here's what I want: companies, facilities, and whatnot need to extend their spookiness until mid-November. I still expect to see Thanksgiving decorations out November 1, but I still want to see ads for haunted houses. I want people to feel comfortable having Halloween costume parties after October 31. I mean, you paid/made that costume. Let's wear them out and party to the grave, baby. That is all...